What is ORCID and how can I register there?

ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID   
is an international system of identification of authors of scholarly publications. This unique digital ID makes it possible to distinguish authors of the same name from reach other and to correctly assign individual publications to the right person in databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and other. By connecting one’s ORCID account with one’s ResearcherID or Scopus ID, the data are exchanged automatically between the systems.

In order to register with ORCID and obtain a unique ID, you need to head to: https://orcid.org/register

Next, you need to fill in the relevant fields - enter your basic details: name and surname, e-mail address, create a password, decide if the access to the publications you list is to be public, limited to certain people, or only to the profile’s owner.

If you have any problems with your registration, please contact Marzena Ostopinko, e-mail: [email protected]

Given the necessity to process authorised (owner-confirmed) ORCID numbers of individuals in central systems (POL-on, PBN), this is to inform that data will be collected only via individual user accounts in the PBN system. In the case of the ORCID numbers currently entered directly into the POL-on system, it will be necessary for them to be authorised by their respective owners in the PBN system. (National Information Processing Institute)