When taking the TOLES Advanced exam, your result can range from B2 to C2 - depending on the number of points obtained (max. 500).
The official interpretation guidelines for the TOLES Advanced exam results are as follows:
• GOLD (451-500) - The candidate has excellent general English skills and is assessed as having excellent legal English skills (C2)• ORANGE (401-450) - The candidate has very good general English skills and is assessed as having very good legal English skills (C2)
• RED (301-400) - The candidate has well-above general English skills and good legal English skills (C1)
• PURPLE (201-300) - The candidate has good general English skills and is assessed as having satisfactory legal English skills (B2)
A score below 201 points means that the exam is not passed.
• BLUE (101-200) - The candidate has an above average level of general English skills and is assessed as approaching satisfactory legal English skills
• GREEN (0-100) - The candidate may have a good knowledge of general English but is assessed as having only basic legal English skills.
More information can be found at www.toleslegal.com