What expenses can I cover from a project financed from funds allocated to KU’s statutory activity?
KU’s internal grants can be used to cover the following:
- remuneration paid under civil-law contracts to contractors performing auxiliary work (i.e. people from outside KU);
- costs of trips of members of research teams:
o costs of participation in scientific conferences (with a paper to deliver) addressing the subject matter explored in the pursued research project,
o costs of trips necessary to carry out the research project - preliminary research, field study;
- costs of proofreading of scientific papers
- external services
- costs of purchase of research services (laboratory analyses, statistical reports, surveys, etc.);
- purchase of literature,
- purchase of databases,
- costs of publishing a habilitation monograph, a monograph submitted for promotion to the rank of professor
- costs of publishing a monograph within the framework of projects carried out by KU’s College of Law;
Expenses which may not be covered from funds allocated to KU’s statutory activity:
• remuneration paid to KU employees;
• apparatus/equipment;
• translation of articles into English;
• other monographs (e.g. post-conference, doctoral);
• costs of organisation of conferences.
If you have any questions, please send them to: [email protected]