What persons from an undergraduate/graduate/doctoral student’s family need to be included in the application for a social scholarship?

Persons from an undergraduate/graduate/doctoral student’s family to be included in the application for a maintenance grant:
1. the undergraduate/graduate/doctoral student 
2. the undergraduate/graduate/doctoral student’s spouse
3  the student’s parents, legal or de facto custodians,
4. dependant minor children, children in education until 26 years of age or - if the 26th year of age comes in the final year of the pursued programme - until the completion of the programme, and disabled children regardless of their age of persons referred to in items 1)-3).

The composition of the family is determined as of the date of submission of the application in question. It is necessary to indicate the income of each of the persons composing the family as of the date of submission of the application. 
It may happen that a student’s mother/father is not listed in the application (and their income is not indicated) when:
•    the mother/father is deceased
•    the mother/father is obliged to pay maintenance to the student or the court’s maintenance order has been revoked or the court has decided that the student is not entitled to receive maintenance
•    the student’s father is unknown according to the full copy of the student’s birth certificate
•    the student’s mother/father is in an institution providing 24-hour care and maintenance
•    the student has submitted a statement where they represent they do not maintain a common household with any of their parents, and complies with other statutory conditions apart from that, which lets them include only themselves in the application, possibly including their spouse and children and excluding their parents and siblings.

If you have any questions, please send them to: [email protected]