What conditions one needs to meet to be eligible for scholarships/grants?

  • Scholarships and grants (academic scholarships, special grants for disabled persons, rector’s scholarships, maintenance grants, assistance grants) may be applied for by both full-time and part-time students.
  • All matters concerning benefits offered to KU students (scholarships and grants) are covered in the “Regulations on the benefits granted to students of Kozminski University in the academic year 2024/2025” (published in the university’s public information bulletin). There is also an RODO Information Obligation, which you should read before applying for a scholarship.
  • A student pursuing more than one field of study at the same time may receive a maintenance grant, a special grant for disabled persons, an assistance grant, a rector’s scholarship, and a minister’s scholarship for one field of study as chosen by the student (regardless of whether they study at one higher education institutions or more); it is forbidden to receive two same scholarships/grants.
  • In the case of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies and single-cycle degree studies, a student may receive scholarships and grants ONLY for a period of 12 semesters, regardless of whether they receive them, with the proviso that within this period, the benefits are available to students of the following studies:
    1) first-cycle studies – for no more than 9 semesters;
    2) second-cycle studies – for no more than 7 semesters.
    The periods indicated include all semesters started by a student as part of their first-cycle, second-cycle, and single-cycle degree studies, including semesters occurring during the period of use of leaves of absence, with the exception of semesters at subsequent single-cycle studies started or continued after obtaining the first licencjat (≈BA/BSc), inżynier (≈Eng.), or an equivalent degree.

    If a student pursues several fields of study, semesters taken simultaneously are treated as one semester.
  • A student holding a magister (≈MA/MSc), magister inżynier (≈MSc Eng.), or an equivalent degree is not entitled to receive scholarships/grants with the stipulation that a disabled student whose disability occurred during their course of study or after obtaining their degree may receive a special grant for disabled persons.

  • A student holding a licencjat (≈BA/BSc), inżynier (≈Eng.), or an equivalent degree is not entitled to receive scholarships/grants with the stipulation that a disabled student whose disability occurred during their course of study or after obtaining their degree may receive a special grant for disabled persons. 

  • In accordance with Article 93 section 7, if one’s disability occurs in the course of one’s study or after one has obtained their degree, the special grant for disabled persons is granted for an additional period of 12 semesters (subject to first-cycle and second-cycle studies - as above).

    (To sum up: A student graduating with a magister (≈MA/MSc) or an equivalent degree is not entitled to receive benefits when pursuing subsequent studies; a student who has completed first-cycle studies is entitled to receive benefits if they continue their education at the second-cycle level or in the form of single-cycle studies, but they are not entitled to receive benefits for subsequent first-cycle programmes. An exception may be the situation of a student with a disability and their right to receive a special grant for disabled persons.

  • One student may receive different scholarships/grants. An assistance grant may be applied for by any student eligible, regardless of the scholarship(s)/grant(s) they receive.

  • In the period of a student’s leave, the student has the right to apply for and receive scholarships/grants.

  • Scholarships/grants are awarded for an academic year (for a period of up to 10 months). Exceptions include situations:
    - when a student's studies in the previous academic year lasted only one semester - then the rector's scholarship may also be awarded for only one semester,
    - when the student's studies in the current academic year will last only one semester - then each scholarship is also awarded for only one semester,
    - a student for whom the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year is the twelfth semester of study, the ninth semester of first-cycle studies or the seventh semester of second-cycle studies and, in accordance with Article 94(2) of the Law on Higher Education and Science, the decision to award a scholarship would expire in the following semester - may have each scholarship awarded for one semester - up to 5 months,
    - in the case of applications for special grants for disabled persons with a temporary disability degree certificate valid until before the end of the academic year, the special grant may be awarded only for the period of validity of the certificate.

  • In the case of applications for special grants for disabled persons and for maintenance grants submitted after the set deadline, the grants may be awarded starting from the month of application if there are still funds available. The deadline for submission of applications for the rector’s scholarship is final - applications for rector’s scholarships submitted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. 

  • The decision on the award of a scholarship/grant expires on the last day of the month in which a student has defended their thesis, has been expelled from the university (removed from the list of students), or finished other studies whose completion affects their right to receive scholarships/grants. 

  • The decision on the award of a scholarship/grant expires on the last day of the month in which the student loses the right to the benefit in question due to the expiration of the period of 12 or 9 or 7 semesters (see above).