Who can receive a special grants for disabled persons? Based on what documents?

Special grants for disabled persons may be applied for by any student (both full-time and part-time) who holds:

  • a disability certificate, or
  • a disability degree certificate (mild degree, moderate degree, severe degree), or
  • a certificate referred to in Article 5 and in Article 62 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on professional and social rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of 2019, item 1172, as amended)

A current valid document confirming one’s disability, issued by a relevant competent Polish authority, is the only document that should be submitted with the application - if a copy of the document is attached, the original document will have to be presented for inspection. In the academic year 2020/2021, given the restrictions related to preventing, countering, and combating COVID-19, it is acceptable to submit copies of original documents without having them certified to be true copies of the originals by a KU employee. However, at the request of the Grants Committee or the Grants Appeals Committee, the student will be obliged to present the original documents if necessary. 

If you submit your application in person, you may be asked to present the original of the submitted certificate for inspection. 

If you submit your application to the mailbox or by mail, please include the following on the submitted copy:
“I am in possession of the original document, I certify that this copy is a true copy of the original document, I oblige myself to present the original document to the committee if I am requested to do so” - date, signature.

Alternatively, if you submit your application to the mailbox, you can ask the staff of the front office to ask an employee of our office to come and verify the authenticity of the submitted document by comparing the submitted copy and the original you will need to have with you. 

The grant is awarded for an academic year – for 10 months – if the disability certificate is valid indefinitely or for a part of an academic year if the disability certificate is valid for a definite period of time and whose period of validity is shorter than the academic year; the grant may be then awarded only for the period of validity of the disability certificate within a given academic year.

A student may apply for a special grant for disabled persons already in the first year of study. A student may receive the grant only for one field of study of their choice. A student who has already graduated with a magister (≈MA/MSc) or equivalent degree may not apply for the special grant in question. A student who has already graduated with a licencjat (≈BA/BSc) or equivalent degree may not apply for the special grant in question. 

NOTICE - exceptions! 
A disabled student whose disability occurred during their course of study or after obtaining their degree may receive a special grant for disabled persons for a subsequent pursued field of study, but for 6 years at most (but only for one pursued field of study).

If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]