Who can receive a rector’s scholarship? On what grounds?


Information about the most significant changes that have been proposed by the Student Council and in force from the academic year 2024/2025.
The changes concern:


  • the amount of the average making students eligible to apply: change from a minimum of 4.50 to a minimum of 4.60; it will still be the average that makes students eligible to apply, but does not guarantee that the scholarship will be granted;
  • changes to the lists of sports achievements, academic achievements, artistic achievements - for which the scholarship may be awarded;
  • adoption of a scoring system for average, for sports achievements, for academic achievements, for artistic achievements;
  • establishment of a Team for the Assessment of Scientific and Artistic Achievements - which will be composed of one employee and two students
scoring for average - download file
list of sports achievements and scoring - download file
list of academic achievements and scoring - download file
list of artistic achievements and scoring - download file

Information for the academic year 2024/2025
1. A rector’s scholarship may be awarded to a first-year student (both full-time and part-time) in the year of taking their matura examination on condition that this student is:
1) a winner of an international contest or a winner or finalist of an all-Poland subject-specific contest as referred to in the regulations on the system of education;
2) a winner of a medal in a sports competition of at least the ‘Champion of Poland’ rank in a given sports discipline as referred to in the regulations on sport.

Required documents:
A winner of an international contest or a winner or finalist of an all-Poland subject-specific contest as referred to in the regulations on the system of education, i.e. the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of 2022, item 2230, as amended), shall submit a certificate compliant with the specimen enclosed with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport of 29 January 2002 on the organisation of and manner of conducting competitions, tournaments, and school contests (olimpiady) (uniform text in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland no. 2020, item 1036, as amended).A winner of a medal in a sports competition of at least the ‘Champion of Poland’ rank in a given sports discipline as referred to in the regulations on sports, i.e. in the Act of 25 June 2010 on sport (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of 2022, item 1599), shall submit a certificate issued by the relevant Polish sport federation, which – pursuant to Article 13 of the act – has the sole right to organise and hold sports competitions of the ‘Champion of Poland’ rank in a given sports discipline. Pursuant to Article 11 section 5 of the act, the Minister of Sport and Tourism announces a list of Polish sport federations; the list is published and available on the website of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism.

2. A rector’s scholarship may be awarded to a full-time or part-time student who has been promoted to the next year of studies and who, as a student status in the academic year 2023/2024, could demonstrate:
1)    an outstanding academic performance, which means achieving an arithmetic average grade of at least 4.50 (an average of 4.60 makes one eligible to apply for a rector’s scholarship, but does not guarantee the scholarship will be granted) or
2)    sports achievements in a competition at least at a national level, or
3)    academic achievements, or
4)    artistic achievements.
The grade average and the achievements need to date to academic year 2023/2024 (from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024).
Rector’s scholarships are not granted per semester. They are granted only once in an academic year, in October.

3. A student who repeated a year or a semester in the academic year 2023/2024 MAY NOT be granted a rector’s scholarship.

4. A student who is repeating a year or a semester in the academic year 2024/2025 MAY NOT be granted a rector’s scholarship.

5. The grounds to apply for a rector’s scholarship involve the fulfilment of at least one of the conditions listed above (for instance, it is possible to apply for the scholarship on the basis of a GPA of at least 4.60 or on the basis of one's sports achievements - as well as on the basis of both).

6. First-year students of second-cycle studies and first-year students of single-cycle studies taken up upon completion of first-cycle studies may apply for a rector’s scholarship on if they fulfilled the relevant application criteria in the last year of their first-cycle studies in the academic year 2023/2024.

7. The number of rector’s scholarships awarded in a given field of study cannot exceed 10% of the number of students pursuing a given field of study as of 31.10.2024. If the number of eligible applications for a rector’s scholarship in a given field of study exceeds 10% of the number of students pursuing this field of study, the Rector will determine the minimum arithmetic average for eligibility for rector’s scholarships by way of an official decision.

8. In each academic year, the final criteria for granting the scholarship are determined by the Rector in consultation with the Student Council – which include e.g. the grade point average that makes students eligible to receive the scholarship. The grade point average for eligibility for the scholarship is determined not only by the circumstances described in item 7, but also by the number of applications and the state of funding.

The criteria determined for a given academic year are published on the University’s website in the form of a Rector’s Decision made in consultation with the Student Council here.

Other conditions that a student must fulfil to receive any grant or scholarship - here

When and where should I submit my application for a rector’s scholarship? - here

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us: [email protected].