LinkedIn Learning - FAQ

Can every student use the platform?
Yes, the platform can be used by any student with a university e-mail address. The access is free and unlimited.

How to log in to LinkedIn Learning?
You’ve received an e-mail with an activation link. You need to click it and log in to your LinkedIn account. This is how you activate your access to the platform.

I don’t know how to use the platform. I need assistance.
Send us an e-mail and we’ll invite you for an individual consultation session. E-mail: [email protected] 

I don’t have a LinkedIn account. Can I still access the learning platform?
You don’t need to have a LinkedIn account to use LinkedIn Learning. It’s enough to log in to the platform using your university details.

Using the mobile app
LinkedIn Learning is available in a mobile version. Log in using your university account details. You can also download courses and use them offline.

How to get a course certificate and add it to my profile?
In the “Saved” section, you can see a list of the courses you have completed and download a selected certificate to your computer, and then add it to your LinkedIn profile.