KU’s open access policy

Since 2009 Kozminski University has been publishing all of its journals online on a free (open) access basis: Authors of articles sign Creative Commons BY 4.0 license agreements https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
KU signs 2-year license agreements with the publishers it works with (Wolters Kluwer Polska, 
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Poltext, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar). After that time, a given book is made available in free access on the university’s repository website

 Since 2019 KU has had it own institutional repository which contains articles and books made available under CC-NC-ND and CC-BY licenses: www.repozytorium.kozminski.edu.pl
  • On 4 June 2020, KU’s Rector issued a regulation implementing Kozminski University’s Open Access Policy
  • Since December 2019 KU has been a coalition partner of the Coalition for Open Education (www.koed.org.pl). COE is an alliance of non-governmental organisations and institutions operating in the field of education, science, and culture, established in 2008
  • There is a plan to launch a repository of the research data of KU employees in 2021
Contact details:
Anna Goryńska
[email protected]