Rector’s scholarship awarded on the grounds of sports achievements


Rector’s scholarship awarded on the grounds of sports achievements
Please first become familiar with general information about rector’s scholarships in the article “Who can receive a rector’s scholarship? On what grounds?” and information about the right to apply for scholarships/grants – including a rector’s scholarship – in the article “What conditions one needs to meet to be eligible for a scholarship/grant?”

Information for the academic year 2024/2025:
1. A rector’s scholarship granted on the grounds of sports achievements may be applie for by a student:

  • who achieved excellent sports results in competition at least at the national level in the academic year 2023/2024 (from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024), 
  • who has been promoted to the next year of study (and a first-year student of a second-cycle (graduate-level) programme), 
  • who did not repeat a year/semester of studies in the academic year 2023/2024, 
  • who is not repeating a year/semester of studies in the academic year 2024/2025,
  • who has completed less than 12 semesters of study (or less than 9 semesters of first-cycle (undergraduate-level) studies if applying for a scholarship as a student of a first-cycle programme).
2. Sports achievements on the basis of which a student may apply for the Rector's scholarship are considered only those dating to the academic year 2023/2024, listed in Appendix no. 5.2 to the Regulations - download file.
3. Sports achievements entered by the student in their e-application are confirmed by the KU Sports Centre Director or the President of KU’s Academic Sports Association (in the form of a certificate no. 5B, which will be issued in the mykozminski system at the student’s request).
4. In the event it is impossible for KU Sports Centre referred to above to confirm the achievement of certain sports results, the student shall present certificates or diplomas confirming their ranking/scores in international or national sports events (the certificates/diplomas should be submitted via mykozminski to KU Sports Centre with a request for the issuance of certificate no. 5B). 
5. In addition to certificate no. 5B, the student shall submit a certificate no. 5F regarding their course of study together with their application. The student addresses the relevant KU student office with a request for a certificate 5F through the mykozminski system. 
6. A first-year student of a second-cycle (graduate-level) programme or a single-cycle master’s degree programme, who was a student of a first-cycle (undergraduate-level) programme at a university other than KU in the academic year 2023/2024, is obliged to present a certificate from this university providing the following information:
  • grading scale,
  • date of thesis defence,
  • number of semesters completed by the student as part of their studies in the academic year 2023/2024,
  • whether the student repeated a year/semester in the academic year 2023/2024
(the certificate from the previous university should be submitted via mykozminski to the relevant KU student office along with a request to issue certificate no. 5F).
6. Based on the submitted applications with confirmed sports results, the Grants Committee draws up a ranking list.
7. The ranking list referred to above will include the student’s details, the sports achievements from the academic year 2023/2024, and the number of points assigned to each sports achievement, including any additional points awarded by KU Sports Centre, in accordance with Appendix no. 5.2 to the KU Student Support Regulations (regulations on the benefits granted to students) - lists will be ordered by score, starting with the highest number of points.
8. When determining the number of points for eligibility for a rector’s scholarship based on the criterion of sports achievements, only the highest-scoring sports achievement is taken into account. Points for individual sports achievements are not added up.
9. The Grants Committee, upon consulting KU Sports Centre, may refuse to award points for a given sports achievement if there are reasonable doubts regarding its sports value, the student’s actual participation, the rank of the competition/contest, etc.
10. The Director of KU Sports Centre or the President of KU’s Academic Sports Association may grant 5, 10 or a maximum of 15 additional points to a student for meeting at least one of the following conditions: 
  • representing KU in competitions/contests where the student has been entered into by KU;
  • being a team player/useful to the team;
  • involvement;
  • being a team leader;
  • demonstrating an impeccable, sporting attitude towards KUKU’s Academic Sports Association;
  • fulfilling one’s obligation to represent KU in competitions;
  • making progress in one’s sports performance.

11. No additional points for participation in the Olympic or Paralympic Games as referred to in section 7 may be granted.

Contact: [email protected].