How should I inform the university about my publications and other scientific achievements?

In accordance with the Statutes of KU, you are obliged to keep the information about your publication activity as well as other data concerning your scientific and professional activity in the Dorobek Naukowy system updated and document your publication activity by submitting the following documents to the Scientific Activity Support Office: 

  • in the case of monographs: the original publication or a copy of: the title page, the table of contents, other pages with information significant for the assessment - such us the publisher, the list of chapters, the place and date of publishing, author affiliation
  • additionally in the case of a chapter: a copy of the page opening a chapter written by a given academic
  • in the case of an article: the entire article with the table of contents included in a given issue
  • in the case of participation in a conference: the abstract of the paper and the programme of the conference.
  • The above data:
  • Appear in your academic profile on KU’s website;
  • Are verified during periodic assessment of academic faculty;
  • Are used as the basis to prepare the list of publications competing for the Rector’s Award for research papers;
  • Are presented in rankings and accreditations.

Please send all information about your publications - together with the necessary attachments - to: [email protected]