When and where should I apply for a rector’s scholarship?

Applications for a rector’s scholarship for the academic year 2024/25 should be submitted in the form of an e-application through the mykozminski system.
The application and any attachments must be signed with a qualified electronic signature (e.g. mSzafir) or a one-time qualified electronic signature (e.g. through a bank) or a personal signature (e.g. through eDowód) or a trusted signature (e.g. through mObywatel).

The committee’s decision regarding the scholarship will also be communicated in the mykozminski system — no later than in December this year.

Application submission instructions — download file (file will be available in October)

The specimen application for a rector’s scholarship will be available from 9 October in the mykozminski system.
Depending on the grounds to apply for the scholarship, the applying student shall submit the following certificates/statements/declarations or forms with their e-application to substantiate their application:
1) certificate no. 5A issued by the relevant KU student office — for students applying for a rector’s scholarship on the grounds of a grade point average (send a request via the mykozminski system to the student office to issue a certificate no. 5A) or

2) certificate no. 5B issued by KU Sports Centre — for students applying for a rector’s scholarship on the grounds of their sports achievements (send a request via the mykozminski system to KU Sports Centre to issue a certificate no. 5B), or

3) certificate no. 5C issued by the Team for the Assessment of Scientific and Artistic Achievements — for students applying for a rector’s scholarship on the grounds of their scientific achievements (send a request via the mykozminski system to the said Team to issue a certificate 5C) or

4) certificate no. 5E issued by the Team for the Assessment of Scientific and Artistic Achievements — for students applying for a rector’s scholarship on the grounds of their artistic achievements (send a request via the mykozminski system to the said Team to issue a certificate 5E) or

5) form no. 5D — for first-year students of first-cycle (undergraduate-level) or single-cycle master’s degree programmes, applying for a rector’s scholarship as contest winners or finalists or as medal winners referred to in § 21 section 4 of the Student Support Regulations (regulations on the benefits granted to students) at KU for the academic year 2024/2025 (the form will appear under the application after selecting 5D as the grounds for application).

If the grounds for application referred to in items 1)-4) are selected, the student shall submit a form labelled in the mykozminski system as certificate no. 5F — record of the student’s course of study from the relevant student office — together with their e-application and the relevant certificates (5A or 5B or 5C or 5E).

NOTICE! Applies to first-year students of second-cycle (graduate-level) programmes (or first-year students of single-cycle master’s degree programmes if they continue their studies after a first-cycle (undergraduate-level) programme) who completed their first-cycle (graduate-level) programme at a university other than KU: when submitting a request in the mykozminski system to the student office for the issuance of a certificate 5A or 5F, the request must be submitted with a certificate issued by the previous university:
a) confirming the student’s arithmetic grade average with two decimal places, with the second decimal place rounded mathematically based on the third digit; the average calculated on the basis of the sum of grades obtained from all courses included in the programme of study (curriculum) pursued by the student in the academic year 2023/2024, taking into account also the failing grades, divided by the number of grades (if the grounds for the application are the grade average), and
b) providing the following information: grading scale, date of thesis defence, number of semesters completed by the student in the academic year 2023/2024, whether the student repeated a year/semester in the academic year 2023/2024 (with each ground of application).

When to submit applications: from 9 October to 23 October 2024.
Given the fact that the scholarship awarding procedure is competition-based, the date of 23 October is the ultimate deadline for submission.  Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
If the student addresses the relevant student office or to KU Sports Centre or to the Team for the Assessment of Scientific and Artistic Achievements by 20 October with a request for the issuance of certificate no. 5A or 5B or 5C or 5E or 5F and submits their application after 23 October because they haven’t received the requested certificate before 23 October, the 23 October deadline is considered to be met as long as the application is submitted immediately after the receipt of certificate no. 5A or 5B or 5C or 5E or 5F — within 24 hours of the appearance of the certificate in the mykozminski system.
Rector’s scholarships are not granted per semester; applications are accepted only once a year, in October.