Workshop sessions with PwC

PwC presents a series of workshop sessions - “PwC TalentLab - Audit in Practice”


Why is auditing even more important in the present times of constant changes and uncertainty? What impact do auditors have on building trust in the capital market? How do new technologies affect the practice of auditors? How will the profession change in the years to come?

These and similar questions will be answered by representatives of PwC’s audit department during the three meetings to come. You’ll learn what a typical day of an auditor looks like (and why each day is different), what the examination of financial statements is about, and get familiar with the most common methods and technological solutions used by auditors in their daily operations.

You’ll see that audit at PwC is the best place to start your career. You’ll find out about the potential career paths and the opportunities you can get by taking up a career at PwC. Sounds interesting? You’re most welcome to join us!

What’s more, the last meeting will be an opportunity to take a test. If you pass it, it will be tantamount to passing the first stage of the recruitment process at PwC!

Workshop schedule:

19.11 at 15:30
26.11 at 15:30 
03.12 at 15:30
Topics to be covered:

• What is audit? Why do we need it?
• A day in life with an auditor.
• Examples of auditing procedures.
• Reporting and board’s estimates.
• Is there life after audit?
• Examples of fraud.
• On the track of crime.

If you’re a student in at least the second year of studies and you’re interested in the subject, wait no longer! Students of all fields of study are welcome to join us.

Register now using the form below:
PwC TalentLab - Registration