ap.mobilna for students

app mobilna.png


Wersja w języku polskim dostępna jest tutaj.

My Studies Clicking and holding the “My Studies” the app will display a panel to change between study programs. This functionality is active only for students studying in more than one field of study. My studies contain basic information about the study path also traditionally available at the Virtual University:

The schedule shows current timetable, details are updated in real-time, a reminder can be set for future classes. Touching the field with the name of the activity opens its details as a pop-up to the full screen. It can be closed by dragging it down with one finger or clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

Grades from the current and previous semesters, the tile presents final and partial grades. The grades must be entered into the KU's dean's office system to be displayed. Final and partial grades for one subject are aggregated under rolled beams.

Exams During the exam session, the tile displays the list of exams - "Upcoming Credits" and "Past Credits". The first one presents what exams await the student in the session. The application displays the next exams as the highest on the list. Based on grades, app displays a progress bar at the top of the screen (progress of passes). The tile is visible at all times.

Scholarships is divided into two parts - "Scholarship Applications" and "Grants Awarded". The detailed view includes the rationale for the decision provided by the person responsible for examining the application. All information about each scholarship is aggregated under a drop-down bar with the name of the scholarship. In the "Scholarship Applications" tab, the student can see what applications have been submitted. The tile is visible to all users of the application.

Payments are divided into two parts, "Your receivables" and "Your deposits". Your receivables display financial data and details, i.e. current balance, receivables, and interest, as well as the account number and the distribution of payments in installments in individual semesters. In the Your payments section, you can see the details of the payments made, i.e. the amount and date of posting.

My lecturers present a list of lecturers conducting classes in the current semester and a preview of the list of lecturers from previous ones. From here, the user can check when the lecturer has consultations, send a message to the selected lecturer using the e-mail program from a mobile device.

In the University section, the user has access to information about Kozminski University, this section is available without logging into the application.

The tile About the University presents Kozminski University, history, accreditations, certificates, rankings, information about the campus, and much other interesting information.

The Employees tile allows you to search by entering the name and surname of a Kozminski University employee. is divided into two parts Lecturers and Administrative staff.

Recruitment tile, the user can fill in the online application form for the selected studies, course, or training.

The Offer tile presents the educational offer of Kozminski University.

Contact provides information on contact details to individual organizational units for students, lecturers, candidates for studies, graduates, people interested in cooperation with the Kozminski University.

The Academic year organization tile displays the academic year schedule, holiday breaks, exam session dates for particular groups of fields of study as well as levels and types

The News section presents news and events from the life of Kozminski University.

The Messages section allows you to view the messages and announcements sent to the user using the Virtual University system. Messages that are important to the user can be marked as Favorites.